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Copywriting & Content Development


Our professional copywriters and proofreaders provide exceptional, compelling content that is always delivered on time and, best of all, is included in your monthly fee. Here is a partial list of the types of services in which IMMG copywriters specialize:

* Business plans, market research plans, and growth strategies
* Bank/investor proposals
* Audio Emails and traditional text-based emails
* Video emails
* Case studies
* Brochures
* Media: print, television, and radio
* Executive biographies and resumes
* Reports, white papers, and fact sheets
* Website content and articles
* Newsletters
* Speechwriting
* PowerPoint presentations
* Editing/proofreading services
* Communication plans
* Media placement and outreach
* Media tours
* Media monitoring and reporting--Talking Points
* Messaging and positioning
* Spokespeople training
* Strategic counsel/trusted advisor
* TV and radio practice interviews and critiques
* Technical Writing (may be an additional fee)

Service Solutions
/FAB1 e-Branding and Collateral FAB2 Website Development and e-Tracking
FAB3 Marketing Campainge FAB4 CRM Sales Cycle and Lead Tracking
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